Tuesday 11 June 2013

i lived in London for 14 years...and i loved it so much....because when you are in London you feel like you could be anywhere in the world... its a bit like you live in the capital of the world....

from London to New York...

from London to Venice...
from London to Paris...
From London to Rome...
from London to Cairo...

from London to Athens...
from London to Moscow...
from London to Beijing...
from London to Sidney...
from London to Berlin...
from London to Rio...
from London to Agra...
from London to Prague...
London storm urge...

Friday 7 June 2013

i always had a passion for bar drinks and cocktails and also for wine as i work as a full time wine sommelier in a relais & chateau hotel....i also love to collect all kind of glasses and bottles which i find very fascinating...


le martini...
la vodka...
le vin...
la tequila...
gin still life...
le cognac...
porto & stilton...
le rosé...
le rouge..
le whisky...
le rhum...
le sherry...

Saturday 1 June 2013

the sea...la mer...a wonderfull source of inspiration...going away...the discovery...le voyage....but also the cruel sea taking lives away...tsunami...

sea lovers and garden...
sea lovers and waves...
sea lovers and starfish...
sea runner...
bather (1)
bather (2)
bather (3)
clouds swimmer...
undergrowth swimmer...
cracking mermaid...